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"I think he is a mysterious man because he is able to burn with high hopes when fans eagerly expect him to hit, while at the same time remaining unruffled." -Masao Matsui, father of Yankees slugger Hideki Matsui

Welcome to the second and most god-like incarnation of...
Kabuki Noh's Dojo

Here at The Dojo we're trying to go a little more mainstream and get an actual 'www' website. Thusly we're teaming up with the Intergalactic Franco-Germanic Legion and trying to hit the big time. I'll let you know if anything happens.

There are two new comics up. Click the link at the top of the page to check 'em out.

In case you're wondering, this index page is merely an incoherent front for the shitty content within. I really have no clue how to make a good webpage layout, or for that matter, stop making shitty content. However, I'd love for you to check out the shitty content and tell me that it's not shitty, so click on any of the links here and check out the content that is hopefully not shitty. That is all.

08.18.03 OMG. Go look at some more "comix."
04.30.03 holy hell, updated again. i am working on the pics page (i.e. taking the focus off my ugly mug) and i wrote a new article, as if you couldn't tell by my rambling up above.
02.08.03 me has been edited/updated, if anyone cares.
02.03.03 go look at my new comic!
02.02.03 check the 'articles' page.

"oh, now i KNOW this isn't the glove drawer."
e-mail me at because i said so.

last updated apr. 30, 2003; 0120 CDT. whatever

REFERRING TO THE QUOTE ABOVE: Your guess is as good as mine.